
Capone "aka Big Bear" the Chocolate Lab

"Pet Mic Monday" is a new Dogvocates series based on an "open mic concept" where pet parents take over our blog to raise cancer awareness by discussing their pets diagnosis, treatment, and outcome with a worldwide community. This week, we are proud to feature Capone Riccaldo, the gentle English Chocolate Labrador Retriever who lost his battle to cancer (Sarcoma) just shy of his 10th birthday. HIs memory lives on in Capone’s Crew! [Follow Dogvocates’ Pet Mic Monday series on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter]

Capone from Capone's Crew - Dogvocates

Name: Capone Riccaldo
Nicknames: Bone & Big Bear
Breed: English Chocolate Labrador Retriever
Born: November 14, 2008 in Mapleton Maine. USA 
Lost His Life: December 4 , 2018
Lived In: Florida & New York USA

Like most dogs, Capone was loyal and a good friend to the end. He was very strong, but yet so gentle. He loved to wrestle and play rough, but was also a big baby. Swimming, running, and SOCKS we’re some of his favorite past times.

On November 6, 2018, shortly before Capone’s 10th birthday, his human daddy, Bryan, noticed Capone limping on his left front paw. Limping wasn’t out of the norm, per se, as Capone and Bryan would run and walk 3-5 miles daily, and limping had occurred in the past. The very next day, however, Bryan noticed the limping was getting worse so off to Capone’s vet the went. During this appointment the vet took x-rays and mentioned Capone may have a chipped bone. Capone received an injection for the pain and was sent home.

Capone (center) with Dad Brian Sr. (left) and Human Brother Brian Jr. (right)

Capone (center) with Dad Brian Sr. (left) and Human Brother Brian Jr. (right)

Five days later, November 12th, the limping was still not getting better, so off to the vet they went…again. Capone was given another set of x-rays with the same outcome, “bone chip.” Another injection for the pain and off they went. The very next day, November 13th, Bryan noticed a bump on Capone’s left shoulder. This time Bryan made a house call to a different vet who arrived to examine Capone in the comfort of his own home, as he was concerned at how quickly the bump grew - basically overnight. This time the vet directed Bryan to take Capone to a Specialist. Capone received yet another injection (Tramadol) for the pain.

Three days later, November 16th, Capone visited the Specialist where he was seen by three doctors, including an Oncologist and a Surgeon. An ultra sound, CT scan, and a biopsy was performed. Capone and Bryan headed home with a prescription of Tramadol and Gabapentin as they waited for the test results. The very next day, Capone was up for an afternoon walk when Bryan noticed Capone was urinating blood. They immediately rushed to the Specialist Hospital as an emergency patient. Capone was kept overnight for more tests. On November 18th, Bryan spent all day at the hospital waiting for results. He spent only 1.5 hours away as he had to pick up Capone’s human brother from the airport. Upon returning, the doctors informed them Capone had a VERY aggressive Sarcoma tumor that was “invading his chest”. The tumor was growing at a fast rate of speed! Surgery was not an option due to the location of the tumor. Radiation was an option but would only prolong the pain. Doctors informed Bryan to take Capone home and make him as comfortable as possible.

November 19th was “PURE HELL” as five prescribed medications were not helping Capone’s pain management. Lack of sleep set in as Capone would cry in pain most nights. Bryan insisted on sleeping with him on the floor to keep him as comfortable as possible.

Day and night, Bryan was there with Capone. They continued going for walks which made Capone so happy! They would sit outside for hours in the middle of the night, as Bryan believed the stillness, wind, and smells kept Capone from feeling the pain. Hand feeding came into play, around-the-clock medicine, and peanut butter too.

Bryan watched as his strong-as-a-bull pup fell apart in front of him as he had to make the tough decision to put Capone down on December 4th at 9am.

Capone and his human brother, Brian Jr, just hours before Capone’s last breath. This is love.

Capone and his human brother, Brian Jr, just hours before Capone’s last breath. This is love.

You already know Capone went out on top! The night before his euthanasia, December 3rd, Capone had a dinner party with Bryan and his human brother. The last supper consisted of meatballs, calzone, peanut butter, ice cream, and for the first time in his life Capone had a small piece of chocolate. At 9:51am, in his favorite bed, in the arms of Bryan and his human brother, Capone took his last breath. That last breath didn’t come without tons of licks (aka kisses) to Bryan’s face. Capone was put in the car and off to his private cremation.

Capone’s death via cancer left Bryan stunned, angry, and guilty as he felt he was not educated enough in the disease. He doesn’t understand how this happened as Capone was given the best food his entire life: eggs, chicken (protein), green vegetables, berries, etc and walked and ran miles each day. Capone was a strong and otherwise healthy dog.

Before signing off, we like to leave you with a FUn FACT and funny moment from the pets life. In this case, we leave you with two funny moments from Capone’s life:

Moment #1: Occurred when Capone was 2 or 3 years old. Capone was to meet with, and be interviewed by, the Director of the Children’s Cancer Unit to become a therapy dog at a Children’s Hospital in Florida.

Bryan and Capone are on their way to the hospital, as Bryan repeatedly talked to Capone telling him how, “important this was,” how he needed him to “be a good boy,” and he needed him to “stand up straight.”

As the duo entered the Children’s Hospital, they were asked to sit in the waiting. Capone laid at Brian’s feet with his leash wrapped tightly around Bryan’s hand just steps from the door. Fifteen minutes later that door opened rather quickly. Capone lunged, barked, and growled at the woman. Bryan stood up, shook the woman’s hand, and apologized for wasting her time. Needless to say, Capone got an earful on the car ride home and that was the end of Capone’s therapy dog career.

Moment #2: There was a dog park in Florida which was closed for a Veterans Hospital use. A veteran soldier in a wheelchair was a regular at the park. He didn’t have a dog, but loved them so much he would stay at the park all day to play with them. One Saturday Capone was in the park and became very curious of the wheelchair. What does Capone do next? Yep, urinated on the the soldier’s wheelchair with him sitting in it! Bryan was devastated and beyond embarrassed. Bryan immediately washed it down with a bottle of water. Luckily, the soldier found it amusing. So much so Bryan and the soldier laughed about it for hours.

Capone’s life lives on as Bryan has started Capone’s Crew to help raise Canine Cancer awareness! Follow them now on Instagram and Facebook.


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